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Explore the difference between finite and infinite games in this powerful book. While the former is defined by clear rules and an endpoint, the latter is unpredictable, ever-changing, and has no winners or losers. The author explains how playing with a finite mindset in an infinite game can hold you back in life and business. However, leaders who embrace an infinite mindset can build stronger, innovative, and inspiring organizations where trust and cooperation thrive. Discover how adopting an infinite mindset can help you leave your organization in better shape than you found it.
Jonathan Sacks
2020-07-29T16:44:24.000ZDiscover the secret to why some people and organizations are more innovative, influential, and profitable than others in this powerful and engaging exploration. Through studying influential leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Steve Jobs, Simon Sinek discovered they all had one thing in common: they started with why. With compelling real-life stories, Sinek shares his insights on what it takes to truly lead and inspire.
Jonathan Sacks
2020-07-29T16:44:24.000ZDiscover the power and purpose of slumber with this international sensation of a book. Sleep expert Matthew Walker examines every aspect of our physical and mental well-being, from learning and mood to regulating hormones and preventing diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s and diabetes. In this “compelling and utterly convincing” read, Walker explains how to improve our lives by harnessing the benefits of sleep.
Jonathan Sacks
2017-12-17T09:34:19.000ZSurviving the Holocaust and years of guilt and trauma, a brave woman shares her journey of healing and forgiveness. The Choice explores how our minds can keep us imprisoned and how we can find the key to freedom. With moving stories of those she's helped to heal, this life-changing book provides hope and comfort to its readers.
Jonathan Sacks
2017-12-17T09:34:19.000ZDiscover how "iGen," the generation born in the mid-1990s and later, is vastly different from any other generation before them. From how they socialize to their attitudes towards religion, politics, and more, this book by a renowned psychologist explores the unique characteristics of iGen. With a focus on safety, tolerance, and a rejection of previous social norms, this generation is growing up slowly and facing unprecedented levels of anxiety and loneliness. If you're a parent, employer, educator, or simply interested in understanding the rising generation, this highly readable and entertaining book is a must-read.
Jonathan Sacks
2017-12-17T09:34:19.000ZExplore the gripping account of Europe's gradual descent towards self-destruction in this bestselling book. Douglas Murray travels across Europe to investigate the effects of factors like mass immigration, self-distrust, and delusion on the continent's cultural identity. The updated version now also highlights global political developments and terror attacks in Europe. Murray's critical analysis of multiculturalism, repatriation, and guilt in the West sheds light on the malaise deep-seated in European culture. A stark, thought-provoking read that calls for immediate action before it's too late.
Jonathan Sacks
2017-12-17T09:34:19.000ZRecommended by
Marc Andreessen
Leadership on the Line, With a New Preface
Staying Alive Through the Dangers of Change
This book is about leadership and how it requires taking risks that can jeopardize your career and personal life. Renowned experts present tools for navigating the dangerous work of leading change and the critical importance of personal survival. Their practical strategies, demonstrated through vivid stories from all walks of life, show how you can exercise leadership and thrive to enjoy the fruits of your labor, whether you're a parent, politician, CEO, or community activist.
Jonathan Sacks