Mejores libros sobre revoluciones
Descubre la dinámica de las revoluciones a través de los textos más ilustrativos de la historia. Clasificados según la frecuencia de recomendaciones de fuentes académicas y críticos de libros de historia, estos libros proporcionan una mirada profunda a las fuerzas que moldean el mundo.

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Este libro se inicia en Londres, el 26 de octubre de 1775, cuando Su Majestad el rey Jorge III se dirigió al Parlamento para declarar a las colonias de Norteamérica en estado de rebelión y afirmar su resolución de aplastarlas. La historia viaja luego por el asedio de Boston y Nueva York, avanzando hasta el relato que el autor nos ofrece de la batalla de Brooklyn y de la osada huida americana que a ella siguió, y que pocos lectores olvidarán. Derrota a derrota, el bando americano parecía haber perdido toda esperanza, hasta que George Washington lanzó el "golpe magistral" que cambiaría la Historia.
Presentado en 6 artículos
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Sean JunkinsA Tale of Two Cities is Charles Dickens’s great historical novel, set against the violent upheaval of the French Revolution. The most famous and perhaps the most popular of his works, it compresses an event of immense complexity to the scale of a family history, with a cast of characters that includes a bloodthirsty ogress and an antihero as believably flawed as any in modern fiction. Though the least typical of the author’s novels, A Tale of Two Cities still underscores many of his enduring themes—imprisonment, injustice, social anarchy, resurrection, and the renunciation that fosters renewal.
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Una condena de la sociedad totalitaria, brillantemente pasmada en una ingeniosa fábula de carácter alegórico. Los animales de la granja de los Jones se sublevan contra sus dueños humanos y les vencen. Pero la rebelión fracasará al surgir entre ellos rivalidades y envidias, y al aliarse algunos con los amos que derrocaron, traicionando su propia identidad y los intereses de su clase. Aunque Rebelión en la granja fue concebida como una despiadada sátira del estalinismo, el carácter universal de su mensaje hace de este libro un extraordinario análisis de la corrupción que engendra el poder, una furibunda diatriba contra el totalitarismo de cualquier especie y un lúcido examen de las manipulaciones que sufre la verdad histórica en los momentos de transformación política.
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Immerse yourself in the synthesis of history, culture, politics, and economics as award-winning historian Gordon S. Wood describes the radical events that transformed feudal society into a democratic one during the American Revolution. This captivating read is more than just a break from England, it's the story of a revolution that baffled and sometimes disappointed its founding fathers.
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Explore the life of the first president of the United States with a gripping, well-researched portrait by celebrated biographer Ron Chernow. From Washington's adventurous early years to his heroic exploits during the Revolutionary War and his presidency, this groundbreaking work shatters stereotypes and vividly brings to life a passionate man of fiery opinions and many moods. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Biography, it's been called the most comprehensive and balanced single-volume biography ever written about Washington. Perfect for history buffs and fans of Lin-Manuel Miranda's smash hit musical, Hamilton.
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The most authoritative social, cultural and narrative history of the French Revolution, and one of the great landmarks of modern history publishing.
'Monumental...provocative and stylish, Simon Schama's account of the first few years of the great Revolution in France, and of the decades that led up to it, is thoughtful, informed and profoundly revisionist' Eugen Weber, The New York Times Book Review
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Angel in the Whirlwind
The Triumph of the American Revolution (Simon & Schuster America Collection)
Discover the epic story of the American Revolution in Angel in the Whirlwind. Follow the journey from tax protests to the triumphant Declaration of Independence and victory, as recounted by historian Benson Bobrick. Learn about the major battles, including Lexington and Concord, and the siege of Yorktown. Experience the social and political history behind the independence movement through the voices of lesser-known compatriots, both patriot and loyalist. With fresh insight and a captivating narrative, Angel in the Whirlwind brings to life the passion and glory of our nation's birth.
Presentado en 3 artículos
Experience the American Revolution like never before with Patriots. This meticulously researched book brings to life the battles, treacheries, and dynamic personalities of the men who forged America's freedom. Discover the intellect, passion, and ambition of heroes like George Washington, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Patrick Henry. From secret meetings of the Sons of Liberty to the final victory at Yorktown and the birth of Congress, Patriots vividly re-creates one of history's greatest eras.
Presentado en 3 artículos
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Ben ShapiroThis book explores the intertwined lives of America's founding fathers, including John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington. Author Joseph J. Ellis focuses on six key moments that shaped the nation, from Hamilton and Burr's deadly duel to Adams and Jefferson's final correspondence. With lively storytelling and a focus on personal character over institutional structure, Founding Brothers illustrates the unpredictable forces that have shaped American politics then and now.
Presentado en 3 artículos
This gripping novel follows thirteen-year-old Isabel as she fights for her freedom during the Revolutionary War. After a cruel twist of fate lands her and her sister in the hands of a malicious couple who have no sympathy for the American Revolution, Isabel meets a slave with ties to the Patriots who encourages her to spy on her owners. With impeccably researched historical details and a powerful story of the struggle for freedom, this novel shows the lengths we can go to cast off our chains, both physical and spiritual.
Presentado en 3 artículos
El simpatizante by Viet Thanh Nguyen
Paul Revere's Ride by David Hackett Fischer
La sombra de la guillotina by Hilary Mantel
Twelve Who Ruled by R. R. Palmer
The Invasion of Virginia, 1781 by Michael Cecere
Liberty's Exiles by Maya Jasanoff
Revolutionary Mothers by Carol Berkin
Memoir of a Revolutionary Soldier by Joseph Plumb Martin
Johnny Tremain by Esther Hoskins Forbes
Balzac y la joven costurera china by Dai Sijie
El largo camino hacia la libertad by Nelson Mandela
Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow
Blood in the Water by Heather Ann Thompson
El largo viaje a un pequeño planeta iracundo by Becky Chambers
Washington's Crossing by David Hackett Fischer
Benjamin Franklin by Walter Isaacson
Valiant Ambition by Nathaniel Philbrick
Guerrera del amor by Glennon Doyle
The Skinjacker Trilogy by Neal Shusterman
John Adams by David McCullough
Washington by James Thomas Flexner
Almost A Miracle by John Ferling
Bunker Hill by Nathaniel Philbrick
Monster, She Wrote by Lisa Kröger
American Scripture by Pauline Maier
Saratoga by Richard Ketchum
The Men Who Lost America by Andrew Jackson O'Shaughnessy
Washington's Secret War by Thomas Fleming
El Antiguo Régimen y la Revolución by Alexis de Tocqueville
Sobre la revolución by Hannah Arendt
Independence by John Ferling
Reporting the Revolutionary War by Todd Andrlik
With Zeal and With Bayonets Only by Matthew H. Spring
Decisive Day by Richard M. Ketchum
Igniting the American Revolution by Derek W. Beck
Founders by Ray Raphael
FORGOTTEN ALLIES by Joseph T. Glatthaar
British Soldiers, American War by Don N. Hagist
The War for America, 1775-1783 by Piers MacKesy
The Spirit of 74 by Ray Raphael
The Negro in the American Revolution by Benjamin Quarles
La Cabalgata de Paul Revere by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Perils of Peace by Thomas Fleming
The Glorious Cause by Robert Middlekauff
A History of the American Revolution by John R. Alden
Independence Lost by Kathleen Duval
The American Revolution in Indian Country by Colin G. Calloway
The Marketplace of Revolution by T. H. Breen
The Oxford History of the French Revolution by William Doyle
Black Patriots and Loyalists by Alan Gilbert
A Few Bloody Noses by Robert Harvey
George vs. George by Rosalyn Schanzer
Let It Begin Here! by Dennis Brindell Fradin
Mi hermana, asesina en serie by Oyinkan Braithwaite
The Creation of the American Republic, 1776-1787 by Gordon S. Wood
La Pimpinela Escarlata by Baroness Orczy
Washington's Immortals by Patrick K. O'Donnell
Carry Me Home by Diane McWhorter
The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution by Bernard Bailyn
Última noche en el Guapa (NARRATIVA) by Saleem Haddad
The Road to Guilford Courthouse by John Buchanan
The Road to Concord by J. L. Bell
Grand Forage 1778 by Todd W. Braisted
The Stamp Act Crisis by Edmund S. Morgan
A Devil of a Whipping by Lawrence E. Babits
Revolution on the Hudson by George C. Daughan
George Washington's Great Gamble by James Nelson
The Burning of His Majesty's Schooner Gaspee by Steven Park
Madame Tussaud by Michelle Moran
Fatal Purity by Ruth Scurr
The War Of American Independence by Don Higginbotham
American Sphinx by Joseph J. Ellis
La muerte de Artemio Cruz by Carlos Fuentes
La revolución norteamericana by Gordon S. Wood
John Adams vs Thomas Paine by Jett B. Conner
The Minutemen and Their World by Robert A. Gross
El reino de este mundo by Alejo Carpentier
The Great Pretender by Susannah Cahalan
La hija de Burger by Nadine Gordimer
City of Love and Ashes by Yusuf Idris
A Beginning at the End by Mike Chen
Revolutionary Summer by Joseph J. Ellis
Los miserables by Victor Hugo
Liberty! by Lucille Recht Penner