10 books on the list
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Discover the fascinating true story of Samuel Zemurray, the self-made banana mogul who rose from penniless roadside fruit peddler to conquer the United Fruit Company and become one of the richest and most powerful men in the world. "The Fish That Ate the Whale" takes readers on a thrilling journey through Zemurray's life, from his humble beginnings to his adventures as a corporate pirate, foreign nation conqueror, and symbol of both the best and worst of the United States. With brilliant historical detail, Rich Cohen unveils Zemurray as a hidden power broker whose will to succeed is nothing short of indomitable.
Ameer Rosic
The Rape of the Mind
The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing
Uncover the unsettling methods used by totalitarian regimes to manipulate and control the human mind. Dr. Joost A. M. Meerloo's extensive research, including first-hand experiences of Nazi-occupied Holland and post-war cases of brainwashing, exposes the tactics used to break down individuals into subservient and compliant subjects. This thought-provoking analysis goes beyond the military implications of mental pressure and highlights the subtle ways in which our own culture is pressurizing our minds. The Rape of the Mind is a must-read for anyone interested in the dangers of mass submission and the importance of preserving individual freedom.
Learn how to adapt financially to the next phase of Western civilization with The Sovereign Individual. Renowned investment advisors James Dale Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg provide strategies for navigating the radical changes in human history as we move into the next century. The book explores the shift from an industrial to an information-based society and the potential for prosperity and renewal in the face of disaster. This insightful read replaces false hopes and fictions with new understanding and clarified values.
Ameer Rosic
2020-07-11T14:49:10.000ZExplore the groundbreaking work of an iconic Swiss psychoanalyst with The Portable Jung. Edited by Joseph Campbell, this comprehensive collection includes Jung's pioneering studies of the structure of the psyche and his development of concepts such as the collective unconscious, Anima, Animus, and the Shadow. Delve into his investigations on spirituality, creativity, and synchronicity, whose implications extend from the I Ching to quantum physics. Campbell's introduction offers context for Jung's influential oeuvre, making this an essential tool for understanding the human psyche.
Ameer Rosic
2019-02-14T18:05:25.000ZThis book delves into the world of biomimicry and how scientists are studying nature's most successful ideas to solve modern-day problems. From creating materials to healing and repairing the environment, this book explores the revolutionary impact of mimicking nature's designs. With firsthand accounts of groundbreaking discoveries and innovations, Biomimicry is a must-read for anyone interested in shaping the future.
Ameer Rosic
2018-07-26T15:59:07.000ZDiscover uncharted frontiers and create new inventions - this is the main topic of Zero to One. Peter Thiel, the legendary entrepreneur and investor, believes that progress should not be limited to computers or Silicon Valley. In fact, he argues that progress can be achieved in any industry or area of business. Thiel's book presents an optimistic view of the future of progress in America and provides a new way of thinking about innovation, starting with learning to ask the right questions to find value in unexpected places. If you want to build a better future, this book is a must-read.
Ameer Rosic
2016-12-16T03:26:41.000Z"Seeking Wisdom" is a multidisciplinary exploration of how we can attain wisdom, from avoiding mistakes to improving our thinking. The author draws on an impressive range of thinkers, from Confucius to Warren Buffet, to tackle big questions like why we behave the way we do and what we want out of life. Perfect for those who are always seeking knowledge and looking to improve their lives both in business and beyond.
Ameer Rosic
2016-12-16T03:26:41.000Z"Propaganda" by Edward Bernays is a seminal guide to manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed "engineering of consent." A controversial figure in the history of political thought and public relations, Bernays implemented his techniques during World War I and became an advocate for propaganda as a tool for democratic and corporate manipulation of the population. This reprint of "Propaganda" includes an introduction by Mark Crispin Miller, shedding light on the relevance of Bernays' ideas in contemporary institutions of government and business.
Ameer Rosic
2016-12-16T03:26:41.000ZDiscover how to realize success that you never thought was possible with help from Jay Abraham's program. In "Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got," one of the top marketing experts in the world shares his proven strategies to find and create opportunities for wealth-building in any venture. Through clear examples and practical advice, you'll learn to spot hidden assets, overlooked opportunities, and untapped resources that can lead to untold success. This book will give you fresh eyes to see how to maximize your income, influence, power, and overall success.
Ameer Rosic
2016-12-16T03:26:41.000ZThe Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell