Лучшие книги о тренерах по персональному тренировку
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Ignite the Fire
The Secrets to Building a Successful Personal Training Career
This book is about the multifaceted role of personal trainers and how to excel in it. It covers the important subjects of sales, psychology, nutrition, and motivation along with the necessary training expertise. The author, Jonathan Goodman, has researched and interviewed the best in the industry to compile a powerful guide on how to find your dream personal training job, sell to clients, build workouts, market yourself, handle difficult client types, and grow your career and income through passive income streams. Whether you're starting out or an experienced trainer, "Ignite the Fire" provides a clear road map to building your reputation and your bank account.
Представлено в 21 статье
"Starting Strength" is a comprehensive guide on basic barbell training, perfect for beginners and fitness enthusiasts alike. With over 750 illustrations and a detailed analysis of the five most important exercises in weightlifting, this book offers the most complete examination in print of the most effective way to exercise. Complete with a new chapter dealing with the most important assistance exercises, "Starting Strength" is a practical and valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their fitness.
Представлено в 10 статьях
Anatomy meets strength training in this comprehensive guide filled with over 600 detailed anatomical illustrations of every major muscle group. The third edition features 48 additional pages, 12 new exercises, and 18 stretches, making it the ultimate resource for anyone looking to improve their strength training routine.
Представлено в 10 статьях

Becoming a Supple Leopard
The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury, and Optimizing Athletic Performance (2nd Edition)
Unlock your human potential and become a supple leopard with the revolutionary approach to mobility and maintenance shared in this training manual - whether you're an athlete, weekend warrior or just seeking a healthy, pain-free life. Founder of MobilityWod.com, Kelly Starrett, maps out a system of over 200 techniques to identify and fix common movement errors that impede performance, cause injury and restrict movement. Learn how to prevent and rehabilitate athletic injuries, diagnose and fix inefficient movement patterns, and unlock athletic capacity you didn't know you had. Improve your quality of life and achieve your best performance yet with personalized mobility prescriptions developed just for you.
Представлено в 9 статьях
Geoffrey MillerConscious Coaching is a must-read for anyone in the world of strength and conditioning who wants to learn how to effectively blend knowledge of proper training with the nuances of human behavior. This book bridges the gap between the science of physical training and the science of communication, teaching the foundational principles of improving relationships, enhancing engagement, and gaining the trust of athletes through targeted communication. With concrete strategies for day-to-day coaching, Conscious Coaching creates a culture of success not only within sport, but also beyond.
Представлено в 7 статьях

Анатомические поезда
Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists
3-е издание библии интегративной медицины - Анатомические поезда Томаса Майерса под научной редакцией его ученика Василия Николаевского. Анатомические поезда базируются на принципе всеобщей связности фасциальной системы. Они расширяют наше представление о миофасциальном распространении сил, а также эффектов - полезных и вредных, - которые прерванное распространение нагрузки может оказать при травмах или боли. Издание для мануальных терапевтов, травматологов, ортопедов и специалистов по движению.
Традиционное изучение анатомии рассматривает мышцы вне тесной взаимосвязи с другими органами человеческого тела, их работа оценивается лишь в промежутке крепления мышцы между двумя костями. Анатомические поезда, напротив, базируются на принципе всеобщей связности фасциальной системы. Они расширяют наше представление о миофасциальном распространении сил, а также эффектов - полезных и вредных, - которые прерванное распространение нагрузки может оказать при травмах или боли.
В книге рассказывается о функционально интегрированных, раскинувшихся по всему телу непрерывных линиях фасциальной паутины, которые соединяют голову с пальцами ног и формируют заметные мышечно-фасциальные "меридианы". Стабильность, нагрузка, напряжение, фиксация, постуральные рефлексы – все это распространяется вдоль обозначенных линий. Основываясь на карте меридианов, эта книга предлагает мануальным терапевтам и физиотерапевтам множество новых всесторонних стратегий воздействия на человеческое тело, которые помогут восстановить и улучшить осанку и избавить пациентов от острых и хронических видов боли.
Представлено в 6 статьях
This weight-training book is perfect for women who want to build strength and achieve the body of their dreams. It busts the myth that lifting heavy weights will bulk you up, and teaches you to strengthen and lean out your muscles. Accompanied by clear photos and six months' worth of programs, this book proves that weightlifting is a more effective way to burn fat than running. Additionally, nutritionist Cassandra Forsythe offers meal plans and recipes to help readers meet their fitness goals.
Представлено в 6 статьях
«Психологию влияния» знают и рекомендуют в качестве одного из лучших учебных пособий по социальной психологии, конфликтологии, менеджменту все западные, а теперь уже и отечественные психологи. Книга Роберта Чалдини выдержала в США четыре издания, ее тираж превысил полтора миллиона экземпляров. Эта работа, подкупающая читателя легким стилем и эффектной подачей материала, является тем не менее серьезным трудом, в котором на самом современном научном уровне анализируются механизмы мотивации, усвоения информации и принятия решений.
Представлено в 6 статьях

Как завоевывать друзей и оказывать влияние на людей
Updated For the Next Generation of Leaders
Personal DevelopmentNonfictionBusinessLeadershipPsychologySocial SciencesPhilosophyRelationships & Family
Впервые наиболее полно издаваемый в СССР перевод работы Дейла Карнеги (1888-1955) - известного американского специалиста в области ораторского искусства и человеческих взаимоотношений - "Как завоевывать друзей и оказывать влияние на людей", "Как вырабатывать уверенность в себе и влиять на людей, выступая публично", "Как перестать беспокоится и начать жить".
Книга рассчитана на самый широкий круг читателей.
Представлено в 6 статьях

Good Calories, Bad Calories
Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health
This groundbreaking book challenges the conventional wisdom on diet, weight, and disease. Through seven years of research, the author reveals that almost everything we believe about nutrition is wrong. The problem lies in refined carbohydrates and sugars, which have long-term effects on insulin and fat accumulation. This book offers a new perspective on good and bad calories, with examples of foods that can be eaten without restraint and those that stimulate excessive insulin secretion. With precise references to existing clinical studies, the author leads us to the conclusion that the only healthy way to lose weight and remain lean is to eat fewer carbohydrates or to change the type of carbohydrates we eat. A must-read for anyone looking to redefine their understanding of nutrition and health.
Представлено в 5 статьях
Practical Programming for Strength Training by Mark Rippetoe
Совершенная машина продаж by Chet Holmes
Change Maker by John Berardi
Movement by Gray Cook
Science and Development of Muscle Hypertrophy by Brad Schoenfeld
Атомные привычки by James Clear
Как работать по четыре часа в неделю by Timothy Ferriss
Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto
Человеку свойственно продавать by Daniel H. Pink
Back Mechanic by Stuart McGill
Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy by Bret Contreras
Wired to Eat by Robb Wolf
Доверительный маркетинг by Seth Godin
Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning 4th Edition With Web Resource by Unknown by G. Gregory Haff
Позиционирование by Al Ries
Тело by Bill Bryson
Метод StoryBrand by Donald Miller
Классическая энциклопедия бодибилдинга by Arnold Schwarzenegger
Это маркетинг by Seth Godin
Olympic Weightlifting by Greg Everett
The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan S Kennedy
NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training by National Academy of Sports Medicine (Nasm)
Essentials of Human Nutrition by Jim Mann
48 законов власти by Robert Greene
Заразительный by Jonah Berger
Начни с вопроса «Почему?» by Simon Sinek
Эго — это враг by Ryan Holiday
The Men's Health Big Book of Exercises by Adam Campbell
Anatomy of Movement by Blandine Calais-Germain
You Are Your Own Gym by Mark Lauren
Переломный момент by Malcolm Gladwell
Голодный мозг by Stephan J. Guyenet
Advances in Functional Training by Michael Boyle
Science and Practice of Strength Training, Second Edition by Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky
Personal Trainer Pocketbook by Jonathan Goodman
Men's Health Your Body is Your Barbell by BJ Gaddour
The New Rules of Lifting by Lou Schuler
Strength and Conditioning Bible by Nick Grantham
Day by Day by Kevin Mullins
Get Buffed! Ian King's Guide to Getting Bigger, Stronger and Leaner! by Ian King
Сила привычки by Charles Duhigg
Как писать хорошо by William Zinsser
Больше. Суше. Сильнее by Michael Matthews
Антихрупкость by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Одураченные случайностью by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The Whole30 by Melissa Hartwig Urban
Мотивационное консультирование by William R. Miller
New Functional Training for Sports by Michael J. Boyle
How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy! by Paul Chek
Muscles by Florence Peterson Kendall
ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription by American College of Sports Medicine
Viralnomics by Jonathan Goodman
Easy Strength by Pavel Tsatsouline
Principles of Muscle Building Program Design by Nick Mitchell
The Protein Power Lifeplan by Michael R. Eades
Еще кусочек! Как взять под контроль зверский аппетит и перестать постоянно думать о том, что пожевать by David A. Kessler
Яма by Seth Godin
The New Power Eating by Susan Kleiner
Nassim Nicholas Taleb by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Little Red Book of Selling by Jeffrey Gitomer
В защиту еды by Michael Pollan
The Diet Fix by Yoni Freedhoff
Незаменимый by Seth Godin
No Sweat by Michelle Segar
Attention and Motor Skill Learning by Gabriele Wulf by Gabriele Wulf
How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age by Dale Carnegie
Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
Никаких компромиссов by Chris Voss
Богатый папа, бедный папа by Robert T Kiyosaki
Драйв by Daniel H. Pink
Одностраничный маркетинговый план by Allan Dib
Strength Training Anatomy by Frederic Delavier
Deep Nutrition by Catherine Shanahan
Малый бизнес by Michael E. Gerber
Never Let Go by Dan John
Я вижу о чем вы думаете by Joe Navarro
Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning by National Strength and Conditioning Association
ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription by Gary Liguori, American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
The Personal Trainer's Big Book of Programs by Alwyn Cosgrove, Craig Rasmussen
How to be an Awesome Personal Trainer by Ben Coomber
The Wealthy Fit Pro's Guide to Getting Clients and Referrals by Jonathan Goodman
Business and Sales by Eddie Lester
The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding by Al Ries
Supertraining by Yuri V. Verkhoshansky
22 непреложных закона маркетинга by Al Ries
Strength Training for Fat Loss by Nick Tumminello
Дикая by Cheryl Strayed
But What If We're Wrong? by Chuck Klosterman
Бизнес с нуля by Eric Ries
Прекрасные мелочи by Cheryl Strayed